
Our Background

Based in the heart of London, Barefruit was launched in 2006 and has grown rapidly to become the market leader in error monetisation.

Barefruit now has a global reach, with established customers in the US, UK, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. Barefruit continues to expand and has recently launched with ISPs in India and Asia.

Our Approach

Barefruit generates highly targeted traffic for ISPs by replacing DNS and HTTP errors with relevant advertising. Operating at network level, Barefruit technology enables ISPs to resolve error traffic across the customer base with no capital outlay. The Barefruit service creates previously unavailable inventory of over 100m impressions per month.

Barefruit is the only error resolution service which uses patented technology to analyse the page at the point of error, in order to determine highly relevant alternative sites for the user. Relevance lies at the core of the Barefruit solution.

Barefruit is live with over 20m users worldwide, providing an enhanced user experience and generating a new advertising revenue stream for ISPs in ten countries across the globe.